We offer families who access the service the time and space in which to work through or resolve the issues that contribute to their distress with the support of a Counselling team. Family and Teen Counselling is an ‘adolescent friendly’ service and as such, our aim is to enable young people and their parents or careers deal with difficulties, within the context of the family.
Teen Self-Esteem
How do you feel about yourself? Do you like you? Your self-impression informs your behavior. How we feel about ourselves directly influences the way we approach decision making in our day-to-day actions, and good self-regard is necessary to truly engage fully with everything life can offer us. Believing in our own dignity is central to leading a dignified existence, and not believing in it, is a root of just the opposite. If you struggle with self-esteem that is perfectly normal, most teens do. Your teenage years can be some of the toughest of your life, but you should also like the person you are. If you happen to be struggling with self-esteem contact one of our counsellors today and begin believing in yourself.
By listening to the voices that tell us we are capable, we cultivate good self-esteem. This enables youth to act independently and readily assume responsibility for life. It helps us know how to handle positive and negative emotions. Listening to the voices that tell us we are not capable, we cultivate low self-esteem. This leads us to avoid trying new things, and feel unworthy of love. Low esteem leads us to put down our own talents and abilities and become easily influenced by others, especially bullies. Don’t let low self-esteem get in the way of your life and the opportunities it has to offer.
If you find yourself wondering what your teen was thinking, the answer may be “not much.” Teens often make snap judgments based on impulse, especially when situations come up quickly, leaving teens with little time to sort through the pros and cons.
Some of those hasty decisions may involve cheating in school; skipping class; using alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs; going somewhere or being with someone that you do not approve of. And the consequences can include losing your trust; letting down friends; getting into trouble; hurting education and job prospects; causing illness or injury; or leading to other reckless behaviour. The truth be known, the teen brain is not fully developed until years later. They need to be able to learn skills for decision making in ways they can process. Our Therapists help teens learn the skills to navigate peer pressure in order to make healthy decisions even when they are struggling with raging emotions and scattered thoughts.