Online Therapy
Like traditional therapy, the goal of online therapy is to improve one’s well-being, reduce symptoms of mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, and find and treat their root cause. The only difference is that, rather than attending In-Person sessions, therapists communicate via text, email, phone and video calling (Zoom, TEAMS, live chat).
Offering you flexibility from the office, on the move at home or abroad
At a time that works best for you.
A recent study, shows the benefits of online therapy. Most notably the ability to reach people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to make it to an office in person, and even more attractive is the flexible prices that are typically cheaper than in-person therapists.
A recent meta study published in the Lancet journal of eClinicalMedicine looked at the results of 17 individual studies on online therapy, and found that online therapy in the form of electronic CBT (eCBT) was “more effective than face-to-face CBT at reducing depression symptom severity” and that there were “no significant differences between the two interventions on participant satisfaction.”
Cognitive behavioural therapy is a popular therapeutic intervention with proven success. In fact, it’s one of the most widely used and successful approaches for helping individuals with depression, anxiety, addiction and substance abuse, low self-esteem, and more. The fact that CBT administered via an online therapy platform can be just as effective as in-person therapy is an exciting prospect.
Other studies reinforce these findings. An article published in Cyberpsychology & Behaviour, Eg, helped demonstrate that the partnership that forms between a therapist and their client as they work together (called a “working alliance” in the study) is just as effective in online settings as in traditional ones. Furthermore, comments from participants suggest that many of them felt more at ease with virtual sessions.
Online therapy, also called teletherapy or virtual therapy, isn’t right for everybody. Individuals who are experiencing an acute mental health emergency, are having thoughts about suicide or harming themselves or others, or who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness like severe depression or schizophrenia will benefit more from In-Person counselling.
If you are in a life-threatening situation or mental health emergency, contact you local Emergency Department or GP.
Contact us via Text, Email, Live Chat or Phone.
While every online counselling platform is different, you can expect your journey to look something like this:
Online Therapists are accredited, professionally experienced and offer a huge variety of specialisation. These include the following:
Counsellors/ Psychotherapist who conduct therapy online have the same accreditations as in traditional therapy, including:
Accredited Professionally Experienced Therapists